Once installed, the widget script will expose controls to the browser window. You can configure the widget's look and behavior on initialization (see the full WidgetConfig definition below).
interfaceWidgetConfig { insurancePortal?: { url?:string;// The CSS selector for the target element you want the Insurance Portal injected into.// If no target selector is provided, the widget will inject its default persistent banner and modal. targetSelector?:string; }; customerId?:string; prefillData?: { lead?: { email:?string; businessClassCode?:string; stateCodes?:string[]; productIds?:string[]; }; responses?: { exposures?:Array<{ id:number; exposureName:string; // Where each key is a field's name mapped to its value (e.g. ['BUSINESS_LEGAL_NAME']: 'Example Business Name');
fieldValues:Record<string,string>; }>;// Same as format described above. questions?:Record<string,string>; }; }; themeOverrides?: { useDarkMode?:boolean; primaryColor?:string; secondaryColor?:string; borderRadiusPx?:number; brand?: { name?:string; logoUrls?: { darkBg?:string; lightBg?:string; }; faviconUrl?:string; }; };};