Generating Estimate Links

Generate Estimate Links for your program

Here’s a cleaner and more structured version of the steps you provided for interacting with the Cognito Identity Pool and making an API request:

Environment Configuration


Identity Pool ID





Steps to Authenticate and Make a Request

Step 1: Get an Unauthenticated Identity ID

Use the aws cognito-identity get-id command to retrieve an unauthenticated identity ID from the identity pool.


bashCopy codeaws cognito-identity get-id --identity-pool-id us-east-1:16a18d1f-dab5-4b76-a836-3ed99a37afd9

Step 2: Exchange Identity ID for an OpenID Token

Use the aws cognito-identity get-open-id-token command to exchange the identity ID for an OpenID token.


bashCopy codeaws cognito-identity get-open-id-token --identity-id "us-east-1:45d3ecbe-5ec1-c35d-9818-5a1707fa1158"

The response will include a Token value. This token is valid for approximately 10 minutes.

Step 3: Use the OpenID Token to Make an API Request

Include the Token value as the Authorization header in your API request.


bashCopy codecurl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: ${TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "product": ["GENERAL_LIABILITY"],
    "revenue": 1000000,
    "state": "OH",
    "class_description": "Office Cleaning Service"

Key Notes

  • The OpenID token is valid for ~10 minutes. Ensure to refresh it as needed.

  • Replace the Identity Pool ID and API endpoint according to your environment:

    • Sandbox: us-east-1:16a18d1f-dab5-4b76-a836-3ed99a37afd9

    • Production: us-east-1:50d520ef-0cd0-45c6-8798-33e0163fcde7

Last updated