Tenant-Led Prequote Campaigns

2. Tenant sends emails

  • Partner sends us emails via CSV. We will then send back a CSV file with prequote prices. We will exclude businesses in states or countries that we do not cover.

The first step is for partners to send us a CSV file of all their current customers. The fields we need (and our formatting preferences) are:

  • Partner runs email marketing campaign.

We can help with email marketing design / send over sample marketing assets if the partner chooses. We recommend setting the frequency of the prequote email campaign to once or twice a week. Please also make a note that:

  1. All prequotes are for one location. For multi-location business owners, please specify that the prequote is "per location", or sum the prequotes for all of their businesses.

  2. Please redirect all emails from prequote campaigns to us. The format for these reply-to emails is: support+[tenantName]@authenticins.com.

Last updated