Integration Overview
Learn how to integrate Authentic into your platform.
Last updated
Learn how to integrate Authentic into your platform.
Last updated
In this section, we will walk you through the partner integration process which includes:
pre-filling customer applications through our data integration module
embedding branded assets into your platform
creating marketing materials for your new insurance program
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Each Authentic partner gets their own eco-system within Authentic's platform, we call these tenants. A tenant can be pre-configured to price, underwrite, sell, and manage insurance policies.
Every tenant is identified by a URL that follows this format:
You should've received your <tenant_name>
in the onboarding process. If you have not, please contact us
An environment has specific configurations inside a tenant. Every tenant initially has a single production environment. If you need any additional environments for testing, we can also set up staging or sandbox environments through the course of your integration.
Please do not use actual customer data in the sandbox environment. If you have a use-case where you need an additional email-disabled test environment, please email
This environment should only be used to redirect actual customer traffic. Any policy created in this environment is binding and will require payment.
This environment should be used for testing. Insurance policies created in this environment are not real policies and cannot be used for any form of coverage.
This environment should be used for development. Insurance policies created in this environment are not real policies and cannot be used for any form of coverage.
With just a few lines of code, you can integrate the Authentic Widget into your application.
The simplest way to add Authentic to your web page is to add a link out to your tenant:
For a more embedded experience please see the Embed our widget page for instructions.